Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Golf Swing Tip And Instructions Guide

Golf Swing Tip And Instructions Guide

Every golfer on the planet yearns for a golf swing tip and instructions that will be the silver bullet to a better game. All the golf magazines do year in and year out is repurpose these tips to keep selling their magazines. Get tips from a consistent source than get them from 4 different magazines, and a bunch of different instructors.

A Golf Tips Pocket Guide that fits neatly in your golf bag, and is spiral bound for easy reference.

The pocket guide covers every phase of the game, from basic tips like:
  •     Selecting the Right Club
  •     Grip, Pre-shot preparation
  •     Setup, Backswing, Downswing
  •     Common Ball Flights
  •     Straight, Draw, Fade Shots
  •     Bunkers
  •     Pitching & Chipping
  •     Putting
To more advanced tips like:
  •     Uphill, Downhill, Sidehill Lies
  •     Lobshot
  •     Plugged Lie
  •     Trees and Rough
  •     Wind and Hardpan
  •     Advanced Bunker

There is SO much packed in this little pocket guide, it's the equivalent of taking dozens and dozens of golf lessons, and how much would that cost you? Easily in the hundreds of dollars for sure.

Golf Tips For Beginners

Golf Tips For Beginners

When you're a golfer just starting out, it can be a brutal game. To make a good golf swing, and to try to do it for 18 holes can be both humbling and frustrating. One of the best things you can do is search for golf tips for beginners. Just make sure you are utilizing credible sources, as there are many that have no business giving out tips, as they themselves cannot break 90.

A lot of the tips you should be looking for are, how to grip a golf golf; golf swing takeaway; golf putting and chipping tips; as well as golf driving tips and backswing tips. That pretty much covers nearly all of the main things you need to get right in order to hit solid golf shots, and avoid the major faults of a golf slice, hitting fat shots, topping the ball, and over the top golf swing.

A great tip for your back swing is to take the club back in one-piece, meaning eliminate the wasteless breaking the wrists too early, and cocking the wrists with turning your shoulders. This is called "picking the club up" instead of rotating your shoulders and getting all that stored energy in your core, that will result in a higher club head speed, and ultimately distance.

A good golf driving tip is to tee the ball a little higher; play it more off your front foot; sweep the club back on the takeaway; and then hit the ball slightly coming up (ascending).

A golf chipping tip is to take your hands out of it. If you use your hands, it will involve too much timing, and some times you'll hit it thin; you'll chunk it; and even blade it over the green.

So as you can see, for a beginner golfer, tips can be very helpful. It can save you a ton of time, and frustration and wasted years of unenjoyment. 

Does Your Swing Tempo Need a Tune Up for Duffers?

Golf Tips:
Does Your Swing Tempo Need a Tune Up for Duffers?

Have you ever wondered how you play your best one day and the next time you can’t play worth a hoot? You would think that you would be able to take that same swing back to the course and get nearly the same results. How is it that there can be ten strokes or more difference between back to back rounds?

Is it that the course is different? Tees and pins are in different each day. Conditions can vary day to day as well; things like wind and rain will affect your play.

The biggest reason though is that your body is different each day and that makes your swing different as well. The difference can be attributed to your swing tempo. You need to stay in sync and in rhythm from round to round to consistently play your best.

It makes sense to pay careful attention to this aspect of your golf swing. So many overlook this swing fundamental becoming frustrated and confused with an unreliable golf swing.

Tempo can be a hard subject to explain because there is a huge “feel” aspect to it. It is not just about speed; fast, medium or slow. You have a natural swing tempo, one that feels smooth and rhythmic, that gives you optimal ball striking ability. When you swing in tempo if feels effortless while the ball flies straighter and farther than usual.

It might help to define tempo. The best definition  is that tempo is the time it takes to complete a full swing beginning at takeaway all the way through to the follow through finish position.

It is true that tempo varies from player to player. It is  true that it varies from day to day with the same player. The key here is to recognize when your tempo is either faster or slower than it should be and make the proper adjustments.

Wouldn’t it be great if your tempo were at its peak every day? Golf would be a lot easier and handicaps would be lower too. With the day dreaming. The truth is that to be aware of the changes in swing tempo and to know how to adjust or correct is the difficult part. We focus so much on mechanics that we overlook this key aspect of the golf swing.

Four Ball Drill

You should tee up four balls in row at the range. Begin by hitting one using just 25 percent of you full swing speed. Move to the next and use a 50 percent swing, then 75 percent on the third and full speed on the last.

Focus in on the difference in feel for each of the swings. Remember you are to adjust your speed from the beginning to the end. Don’t decelerate on the downswing just pick a speed and stick to it throughout the swing.

How did those swings feel? Did you make solid contact with all of them? Notice the distance for each shot?

Melody Drill

Put your swing to the tempo of a song you enjoy. Choose a song that fits with the desired tempo of your golf swing. I have done this with much success. One is takeaway, two is the top of the backswing, three is impact and four is the finish position. Try singing this in your head in the manner “One and two and three and four”. It will help you find and maintain your swing rhythm.

Follow Through Drill

This is another range drill. Address the ball. Raise the club head off the ground enough to swing it over top of the ball. Swing it forward past the ball about a foot. Then start your backswing back over the ball to a full and complete backswing and then execute the downswing into the ball as normal. Repeat often.

You should pay particular attention to the feel of the weight of the clubhead. At the two points where the club changes direction the transition should be smooth and in time with the club. This will help you to get in tune with the club and the proper swing tempo.

The swing tempo is an essential but often ignored fundamental. If you want to play well consistently you will need to be in tune with your body and the swing tempo it is producing. Know your best swing tempo and adjust on those days when things just aren’t all in sync as they should be.

The drills will help you tune up your swing tempo. We all need a tune up now and again. Improved ball striking and scoring is sure to follow. 

Effective Basic Golf Setup Tips

Tips For Effective Basic Golf Setup

Golf setup is an important and very necessary thing you need to learn when you are trying to learn golf. When you have ready crossed the beginner stage then go back to basics and examine your setup to make sure that you are doing it the right way.

Your swing depends entirely on your setup. Most of the golfers suffer due to faulty setup and several renowned golfers have said that it is the most basic thing that a golfer should address first if he wants to compete professionally.

When your setup is correct so you achieve a good shot even if your swing is not good but the reverse is definitely not true. You may have the best swing on earth but if you do not have a good setup you will never succeed. Setup or address positions distinguish what a good player has from a bad player or an amateur from a professional.

You would argue what are the benefits of a good setup position. What are the benefits of a good setup or an address position. First and foremost what you want to achieve is the balance when you are swinging. That balance is achieved by foot placement and posture. The foot placement and posture is achieved by a correct address position. You go wrong in this and there will never be a good balance during the swing and that makes all the difference.

A setup defines how power you get from your swing and how much you can control the direction of the shot. Your setup defines the body angles at which you swing and that influence the path and angles of the shot.

There are several things that make up a perfect setup position. The alignment of a setup is one factor that will help you become a good golfer. You body means your head, shoulders, feet, arms, knees, hips and eyes should be in parallel to the target line.

Comes your foot position which should be shoulder width apart for the middle irons. The ball position varies based on the type of iron you select. As far as the balance goes you must balance your weight on the balls of the feet as opposed to the toes or the heels.

Hopefully the special tips and tricks will help you get started on a good footing while beginning to play golf. 

Four Magic Moves And The Back to the Wall Drill

Four Magic Moves And The Back to the Wall Drill

A drill that will instantly tell you whether you need to learn the Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf.

When you swing the club too far to the inside during your backswing this drill will tell you. Most amatuers yank the club to the inside during the backswing putting the swing immediately off plane. The result is a golf swing that is too flat.

The Back To Wall Drill:
The drill will tell you if you have a overly flat swing. First and foremost, check your ball position and your distance to the ball at address, as this symptom is the most common cause of a shank. Remember guys; try to work on fixing your fundamentals first before using drills to fix your problems. I cannot stress this enough; most swing faults start with poor fundamentals.

Find a wall that you can set up too. Have your butt approximately six inches away from the wall (Don't do this drill using a nice wall or you may find yourself in the doghouse with your spouse). To take a full swing with the wall in the way your path will need to become more upright. Take slow swings to start, and work on getting to the top and back to the ball without hitting the wall. It should feel different, but all new movements do. Work on swinging slowly until you can make a full swing without making contact with the wall.

Master this drill until you can do it every time without hitting the wall...

Then go out and buy Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf and learn the early backward wrist break.

The early backward wrist break teaches you something pros never do - How to break the wrists during the back swing!

How To Drive A Golf Ball

How To Drive A Golf Ball

The tee shot is the ego shot in golf. Learning how to drive a golf ball far is way up on the list for most beginning golfers. The only problem is most amateur and beginner golfers drive it way shorter than they want to, because their golf swing technique is not proper to encourage longer golf drives.

Strengthen Your Golf Grip

One very effective way to quickly improve driving distance is to have a proper golf grip. The preference is a strong one so you can rotate the clubface over through impact encouraging a draw and more yards when it hits the ground.

Golf Ball Position Forward

Promoting maximum launch angle you need an ascending blow on the golf ball. Positioning it up in your stance, just inside your left heel will make it much easier to hit "up on the ball".

Spine Tilt

This is where beginner golfers screw up. Instead of a spine angle away from the target at impact, many have either a vertical one, or even worse, one that is more towards the target, encouraging a descending blow resulting in pop ups.

That's just a few simple golf tips to get you on the right track to hitting your golf drives long and straight. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fixing A Golf Slice

Fixing A Golf Slice

Hitting a slice off the tee is both embarrassing and humiliating! When you're a slicer of the golf ball, you dread when it's your turn to get on the tee and hit your drive. It's time to get to fixing a golf slice and get it out of your game right now!

There are several reasons why you hit this ugly shot, and learning how to improve a golf slice will be painless and easy. You'll never need to take another golf lesson again to fix this miserable swing fault.

Golf Grip

Most slicers have a weak golf grip, which encourages your clubface to get to impact WIDE OPEN, and here we go...slice away! A simple correction of strengthening your grip, will make it nearly impossible to get to impact open with your clubface. In fact, you might be hitting a HOOK in a matter of just a couple of swings. Now wouldn't that be pretty cool, if you've been spending all your time off the right side of every fairway?

Golf Swing Takeaway

A slicer of the golf ball usually takes the club away from the body, separating from their core, which is a disconnected golf swing that encourages an "over-the-top" downswing. Try taking the club more straight back, or you might need to feel like you're taking it back to the inside right away.

Golf Impact

Impact is the moment of truth! A slice is caused by either an open clubface at impact, or a clubface that is coming across the ball creating sidespin. Try coming into the ball from the inside and with a slightly shut clubface and you'll quickly learn how to improve a golf slice in a matter of minutes.

Over The Top Downswing

One of the most common causes of a golf slice is the "over-the-top" downswing. This is when your shoulders start your downswing first, and they get out and ahead of the lower body, making it impossible to swing down from the inside, which is needed to fix a slice in golf. 

Four Magic Moves And The Back to the Wall Drill

Four Magic Moves And The Back to the Wall Drill

Here is a drill that will instantly tell you whether you need to learn the Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf.

If you swing the club too far to the inside during your backswing this drill will tell you. Most amatuers yank the club to the inside during the backswing putting the swing immediately off plane. The result is a golf swing that is too flat.

The Back To Wall Drill:
This drill will tell you if you have a overly flat swing. First and foremost, check your ball position and your distance to the ball at address, as this symptom is the most common cause of a shank. Remember guys; try to work on fixing your fundamentals first before using drills to fix your problems. Most swing faults start with poor fundamentals.

Ok, now find a wall that you can set up too. Have your butt approximately six inches away from the wall (Don't do this drill using a nice wall or you may find yourself in the doghouse with your spouse). To take a full swing with the wall in the way your path will need to become more upright. Take slow swings to start, and work on getting to the top and back to the ball without hitting the wall. It should feel different, but all new movements do. Work on swinging slowly until you can make a full swing without making contact with the wall.

Master this drill until you can do it every time without hitting the wall...

Then go out and buy Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf and learn the early backward wrist break.

The early backward wrist break teaches you something pros never do - How to break the wrists during the back swing!

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Golf Swing Cure For Flipping

If you're looking for a golf swing cure for flipping, you must first realize there may be deeper rooted causes for your flipping the club through impact. I've been a flipper for over 13 years, and kept looking for bandaide fixes, and never found one until I looked a little deeper and found the issue.

You must get to an impact position with a forward leaning shaft (hands ahead) when you hit the ball, which results in maximum compression, and solidness of contact, creating a boaring, long shot with all your irons.

Sliding Causes Flipping

That means instead of turning through with your body, you slide it towards the target. When you do this, you either cast the club way too early, or you have to flip at impact to even have a chance to hit the golf ball. So to initiate your downswing, don't slide but rotate your body, while retaining your wrist cock.

Flipping Cure In Your Golf Swing

One cure for your flipping is to find a training aid that encourages a "hands ahead" position at impact. One such training aid is the Tour Striker Swing Trainer. This training club is specifically designed to force you to hit the ball with your hands ahead, and a forward leaning shaft. If you don't, the ball will not get airborne. 

A Golf Swing Cure For Flipping

How To Drive A Golf Ball

The tee shot is the ego shot in golf. Learning how to drive a golf ball far is way up on the list for most beginning golfers. The only problem is most amateur and beginner golfers drive it way shorter than they want to, because their golf swing technique is not proper to encourage longer golf drives.

Strengthen Your Golf Grip

One very effective way to quickly improve driving distance is to have a proper golf grip. The preference is a strong one so you can rotate the club face over through impact encouraging a draw and more yards when it hits the ground.

Golf Ball Position Forward

To promote maximum launch angle you need an ascending blow on the golf ball. Positioning it up in your stance, just inside your left heel will make it much easier to hit "up on the ball".

Spine Tilt

This is where beginner golfers screw up. Instead of a spine angle away from the target at impact, many have either a vertical one, or even worse, one that is more towards the target, encouraging a descending blow resulting in pop ups.

That's just a few simple golf tips to get you on the right track to hitting your golf drives long and straight. 

How To Drive A Golf Ball

Monday, August 1, 2011

How You Use Your Arms In The Golf Swing

How You Use Your Arms In The Golf Swing

It seems the modern swing is a very connected, arms and torso together type of golf swing. Found this makes it much easier to be consistent, and be able to go at it as hard as you want, and not hit it "off the planet" like an arms-only swing would.

When you think of golf swing, it is more of the lead, or left arm for a right-handed golf. But the right arm definitely comes in towards the body (hip) in the downswing.

If you can think of swinging your arms is if the are a unit with your body, not independent, you'll be surprised how much power and consistency you have. It seems counter-intuitive, but it's not. Try throwing a punch with just your arm, then put your body into it. Which one is more powerful.

For some golfers, it can also be a feel of your shoulders controlling the swing, not your hands and arms. Your legs are your contact to the ground, providing a stable base, and your shoulders drive your swing. That doesn't mean over the top coming down, but it means your hands, arms and shoulders move with your torso (core) throughout your golf swing, not independently.

Putting a clubhead cover under both armpits and hitting partial shots will give you a really good feel for this type of golf swing. Once you learn how to use your arms in your golf swing, you will have loads of power, and be more consistent. 

Golf Swing Tip And Instructions Guide

Golf Swing Tip And Instructions Guide

Every golfer on the planet yearns for a golf swing tip and instructions that will be the silver bullet to a better game. All the golf magazines do year in and year out is repurpose these tips to keep selling their magazines. 
Always on the search for such a resource and I have finally found it, and it's so handy, you can take it with you to the course. It's a Golf Tips that fits neatly in your golf bag, and is spiral bound for easy reference.

This pocket guide covers every phase of the game, from basic tips like:

    Selecting the Right Club
    Grip, Pre-shot preparation
    Setup, Backswing, Downswing
    Common Ball Flights
    Straight, Draw, Fade Shots
    Pitching & Chipping

To more advanced tips like:

    Uphill, Downhill, Sidehill Lies
    Plugged Lie
    Trees and Rough
    Wind and Hardpan
    Advanced Bunker

There is SO much packed in this little pocket guide, it's the equivalent of taking dozens and dozens of golf lessons, and how much would that cost you? Easily in the hundreds of dollars for sure.

Golf Swing Speed Trainer For Longer Drives

Golf Swing Speed Trainer For Longer Drives

Longer golf drivers are the desire of every golfer. This requires a faster swing speeds and solid club/ball contact. There are a few training aids that will help you achieve this, and the golf swing speed trainer is one of them. This trainer will not only increase club head speed, but improve golf specific strength and equally important flexibility.

Weak and tight muscles will only result in slow swing speeds and short golf drives. The only way to increase driving distance is to train your golf muscles to swing faster, but in control. This can only be learned with golf swing trainers that mimic the golf swing with resistance.

The Golf Swing Speed Trainer is the perfect tool to use in your home, at your office, or on the course as a training tool.

Many professional golfers are now using this, but because of paid endorsement, commitments, they cannot make statements about it, but there are dozens who use it daily, and have seen increases of up to 30 yards on their drives.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



History has it that there are things that seem to be peculiar on their make-up hundreds of years ago which eventually came up with a better composition based on scientific research. And a golf ball is the best paradigm of this theoretical stand in history.

During the earliest days of golf on the eastern coast of Scotland, most players used ancient apparatus in order to play the game in a more disorganized and informal way. Here, the first clubs and golf balls are made up of wood.

It was on 1618 that the feather golf ball was finally introduced. This was commonly known as the "Featherie". This feather golf ball was a handcrafted ball made with goose feathers securely pressed into a horse or cowhide sphere. This is being done while the ball is still wet. After drying, the leather shrank and the feathers expanded creating a hardened ball.

But because these kinds of golf balls are specially handcrafted, they usually cost higher than the clubs. In doing so, only a few privileged people could afford to play golf during those times.

Next came the Guttie golf ball. This prehistoric kind of golf ball was made from the rubber like sap of the Gutta tree that can be found in the tropics. Normally, these Guttie balls can be easily shaped into a sphere when hot and eventually used as a golf ball. With its rubber nature, guttie balls can be cheaply reproduced and can be easily repaired by reheating and reshaping.

However, between the two earliest forms of golf balls, the feather golf ball was said to travel farther than the gutties. This is due to the smooth surface of the gutties that limits the capacity of the golf ball to cover more distance.
With this new scientific analysis, the developers of golf ball finally came up with balls with the "dimples" that are predominant in modern golf balls nowadays.

Dimples are crafted into golf balls so as to reduce the aerodynamic drag, which will be acting on the ball if it were totally smooth. This is because smooth balls, when sailing through the air, leave a huge pocket of low-pressure air in its stir therefore creating a drag. With the application of drag, the ball slows down.

Hence, by having dimples on golf balls, the pressure differential goes down and the drag force is reduced. These dimples create turbulence in the air surrounding the golf ball. This, in turn, forces the air to clasp the golf ball more closely. By doing so, the air trails the warp created by the ball towards the back instead of flowing past it. This results to a smaller wake and lesser drag.

Dimples also help players to put backspin on a shot making the golf ball break off on the putting green.

The idea of putting dimples on golf balls can be traced back during the gutta percha phase. Coburn Haskell introduced the one-piece rubber cored ball encased in a gutta percha sphere. It was during this time when the players observed how their shots become more and more predictable as their balls turned rough from play.

When William Taylor applied the dimple pattern to a Haskell ball in 1905, golf balls finally took their modern form.
From then on, dimpled golf balls were officially used in every golf tournament. In 1921, the golf balls took its form with standard size and weight.

Today, there is an abundant selection of golf balls to fit different golf game and condition. There are golf balls that offer control, while some offer distance. In whatever ways golf balls vary, only one thing is common and known. Golf balls are not just elements of the sports arena; they are more than ever paradigm of a concept in physics. 

Golf Backswing Stretch During Round

Golf Backswing Stretch During Round

Here’s a golf backswing stretch to help you maintain a full backswing loaded with more power during your round of golf.

Golf Backswing Stretch With Golf Club

Golf Backswing Stretch Instructions:
•Extend left arm out in front of you (if you are a right handed golfer).
•Take both hands and put on top of club.
•Drop upper body down against club to feel a stretch in your left shoulder.
•Hold for at least 15 seconds, repeat once more and do the opposite for follow thru side

Benefit to Golf Swing:
•Improve back swing and follow thru range of motion, allowing for a bigger shoulder turn and generating more club head speed.
•Stretch back of shoulder for more range, but with-in golf swing.
•Indirectly improve trunk rotation while maintaining golf posture.

This is a fantastic stretch to do every couple of wholes. You’ll keep your backswing and follow through muscles nice and loose, maintaining a higher clubhead speed (and distance) for 18 holes.

Golf Tips To Improve Your Game

Golf Tips To Improve Your Game

Majority of veteran golfers say that the sport they love is more of a game for the mind. As such, a few tweaks on the way a player views the sport will go a long, long way in radically improving his performance on the course. Let's discuss other mental strategies that can amazingly change the way a golfer plays his game.
Never let the golf course to own you; control the golf course! A lot of beginners in the game of golf are terrified by the humongous size of the golf course.
Think of the close to 60 holes of some exclusive golf clubs and you'll discover the reason for of the discussed intimidation. Here's an essential golf tip: this sport is not a one path game. Just because the golf course is bigger than Central Park should never mean you will pee on your pants and wish for the darkness of evening. There is more than one way to skin a cat, as the saying goes, and there there are several ways to aid you to hit the ball in the hole, no matter the distance between the hole and the ball. Instead of hitting the ball from point A to point B, as an illustration, you can try to hit the said ball towards your sweet spot, that area where your shots are at their best, where your golfing acumen is always at its best. It may not be the shortest approach to the hole, but it can be the surest. Force your will on the golf course and get the best from your game.

The physical game of golf has 2 elements. Knowing that golf if really made up of 2 distinct physical games will go a long, long way in improving the way you approach the sport, and consequently, the way you play the same. Several players practice only for a single game in the physical aspect of the sport, and their their inability to foresee the other game is the cause of their poor performance. 
Golf is comprised of these 2 distinct games:
1. The game played between you, the tee and the field. This is the game that is prepared for by all those hours spent in the driving course.
2. The putting game. This is the game implemented on the putting grass with a putting iron, when the ball needs that weak, last hit to lead it to the hole. This requires training different from the first game.
Always keep in mind these principles and the sport will become a clearer - if not an easier - game. 

Golf Swing Instruction Enhances Consistency

Golf Swing Instruction Enhances Consistency

If you are a golfer on a limited budget, you may wonder how you can even afford to think about getting some full golf swing instruction. However, as the golf swing is one of the most important aspects of the game, then it is important to get it right.

As with everything, it is important to make sure that you get your spending right. Make sure that you carefully work out how much money you can afford to spend on your golf hobby. If there are cheaper things that you need then see if it is possible to get them for presents from friends and family when it is your birthday and then you can save some money that way.

The more expensive items could be more difficult. Try to shop around and see whether you can find cheap supplies, making sure that you are still getting good value for money. Some cheap things are not good quality and you could end up having to replace them more quickly and therefore paying out more money in the long run.

Things that you do not use that often could be worth buying second hand or you may find second hand items which are in very good condition or have hardly been used. If you are buying instruction books then you may find it worth buying some second hand, but look at them carefully in case they are out of date.

Getting back to the subject of golf swing instruction, you may find that by cutting back in these other areas that you can get enough money together to afford some. However, some options are more expensive than others. If you want teaching by a qualified professional then that is going to be more expensive than buying a course on DVD.

You may even find some free information online. It is important to decide what you want to get out of it and how much you want to spend and this will help you to focus your search in the appropriate direction and should help to stop you being distracted by things that you cannot afford or that are not going to suit you.

You still may find that there are quite a lot of different options available to you. In order to help you, try to look on the Internet or in golf magazines to find reviews of these products. Find out what other golfers think of them and whether, from what they say, you think that they will be suitable for you.

Also think carefully about the specific part of the swing that you want to work on and whether you think these products will help you with that. Lastly you need to consider how much time you have to commit to the product and whether you think you can make good use of it in the time that you have available.

Remember that whatever golf swing instruction you find, you will only get the full benefit if you can commit some time into applying the techniques to your game. 

How to get out of the deep rough

How to get out of the deep rough

The Trouble Shots DVD PurePoint GolfI believe there are three reasons why amateur golfers struggle out of deep rough. The number one reason is because professional golfers play golf from the golf ball to the green and amateur golfers play golf from the green back to the golf ball.

If you're looking for Free Golf Lessons Online to improve your golf swing, they are readily available, but I hope you continue to read this article and apply it to your golf game.

Professional golfers look at the lie, their stance, wind, yardage and a few other considerations. Amateur golfers look at the yardage, grab a club and swing away. The second reason amateurs struggle from deep rough is they are counting on a miracle recover shot. Unfortunately that is why they are in the deep rough in the first place.

Lastly is the technique that you have to use to get out of deep rough. If Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods attempted to hit a shot out of deep rough with their regular golf swing they could not advance the golf ball.
Making solid contact with a golf ball that is in deep rough takes a special swing.

Play Smart
Let’s start from the beginning. When I approach a golf ball in deep rough the first question I ask myself is “if I hit a perfect shot what can I expect the results to be”. Then I work backyards. Can I reach the green or not? If it hits the green is it going to stop? What are my chances of making great contact with this lie?

I think you are starting to get it. Let’s do our homework first before we pull out a 3 wood and try and advance the ball 235 yards down the fairway over a lake, on to the green and have it stop next to the hole.

Now with this thinking it eliminates the second problem which is the miracle shot. If you want to learn how to play out of deep rough, watch a couple of the Open Championships this summer and you wont believe how many times the players take out their wedges and pitch the ball back in play.

Now that I have you checking the lie and working from the ball to the hole, let’s spend some time on the technique of advancing the ball from deep rough.

The Secret
The Trouble Shots DVD PurePoint GolfOk now here is the secret. The main reason you struggle is because the hosel of the golf club (the part that connects the shaft with the head) gets hung up in the grass. If you, I or Jack Nicklaus swings the golf club on the same arc the length of the grass grabs the hosel and turns the toe before impact.

Sometimes you can make a great swing only to look up and see the golf ball 10 yards in front of you. You have to have a completely different swing so the hosel does not come in contact with the tall grass.

When you address the golf ball you have to make sure that you swing the golf club UP and DOWN not around. The best way to do this is to place 70% of your weight on your left foot at address. Now this is the secret once again, swing the arms up and down and make sure you do this without shifting any weight to the right foot.

Now there is one more thing you have to remember. DO NOT allow the golf club to swing UP after impact. Keep the clubhead low to the ground so the power is going down not out.