Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Does Your Swing Tempo Need a Tune Up for Duffers?

Golf Tips:
Does Your Swing Tempo Need a Tune Up for Duffers?

Have you ever wondered how you play your best one day and the next time you can’t play worth a hoot? You would think that you would be able to take that same swing back to the course and get nearly the same results. How is it that there can be ten strokes or more difference between back to back rounds?

Is it that the course is different? Tees and pins are in different each day. Conditions can vary day to day as well; things like wind and rain will affect your play.

The biggest reason though is that your body is different each day and that makes your swing different as well. The difference can be attributed to your swing tempo. You need to stay in sync and in rhythm from round to round to consistently play your best.

It makes sense to pay careful attention to this aspect of your golf swing. So many overlook this swing fundamental becoming frustrated and confused with an unreliable golf swing.

Tempo can be a hard subject to explain because there is a huge “feel” aspect to it. It is not just about speed; fast, medium or slow. You have a natural swing tempo, one that feels smooth and rhythmic, that gives you optimal ball striking ability. When you swing in tempo if feels effortless while the ball flies straighter and farther than usual.

It might help to define tempo. The best definition  is that tempo is the time it takes to complete a full swing beginning at takeaway all the way through to the follow through finish position.

It is true that tempo varies from player to player. It is  true that it varies from day to day with the same player. The key here is to recognize when your tempo is either faster or slower than it should be and make the proper adjustments.

Wouldn’t it be great if your tempo were at its peak every day? Golf would be a lot easier and handicaps would be lower too. With the day dreaming. The truth is that to be aware of the changes in swing tempo and to know how to adjust or correct is the difficult part. We focus so much on mechanics that we overlook this key aspect of the golf swing.

Four Ball Drill

You should tee up four balls in row at the range. Begin by hitting one using just 25 percent of you full swing speed. Move to the next and use a 50 percent swing, then 75 percent on the third and full speed on the last.

Focus in on the difference in feel for each of the swings. Remember you are to adjust your speed from the beginning to the end. Don’t decelerate on the downswing just pick a speed and stick to it throughout the swing.

How did those swings feel? Did you make solid contact with all of them? Notice the distance for each shot?

Melody Drill

Put your swing to the tempo of a song you enjoy. Choose a song that fits with the desired tempo of your golf swing. I have done this with much success. One is takeaway, two is the top of the backswing, three is impact and four is the finish position. Try singing this in your head in the manner “One and two and three and four”. It will help you find and maintain your swing rhythm.

Follow Through Drill

This is another range drill. Address the ball. Raise the club head off the ground enough to swing it over top of the ball. Swing it forward past the ball about a foot. Then start your backswing back over the ball to a full and complete backswing and then execute the downswing into the ball as normal. Repeat often.

You should pay particular attention to the feel of the weight of the clubhead. At the two points where the club changes direction the transition should be smooth and in time with the club. This will help you to get in tune with the club and the proper swing tempo.

The swing tempo is an essential but often ignored fundamental. If you want to play well consistently you will need to be in tune with your body and the swing tempo it is producing. Know your best swing tempo and adjust on those days when things just aren’t all in sync as they should be.

The drills will help you tune up your swing tempo. We all need a tune up now and again. Improved ball striking and scoring is sure to follow. 


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