Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Golf Backswing Stretch During Round

Golf Backswing Stretch During Round

Here’s a golf backswing stretch to help you maintain a full backswing loaded with more power during your round of golf.

Golf Backswing Stretch With Golf Club

Golf Backswing Stretch Instructions:
•Extend left arm out in front of you (if you are a right handed golfer).
•Take both hands and put on top of club.
•Drop upper body down against club to feel a stretch in your left shoulder.
•Hold for at least 15 seconds, repeat once more and do the opposite for follow thru side

Benefit to Golf Swing:
•Improve back swing and follow thru range of motion, allowing for a bigger shoulder turn and generating more club head speed.
•Stretch back of shoulder for more range, but with-in golf swing.
•Indirectly improve trunk rotation while maintaining golf posture.

This is a fantastic stretch to do every couple of wholes. You’ll keep your backswing and follow through muscles nice and loose, maintaining a higher clubhead speed (and distance) for 18 holes.


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