Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fixing A Golf Slice

Fixing A Golf Slice

Hitting a slice off the tee is both embarrassing and humiliating! When you're a slicer of the golf ball, you dread when it's your turn to get on the tee and hit your drive. It's time to get to fixing a golf slice and get it out of your game right now!

There are several reasons why you hit this ugly shot, and learning how to improve a golf slice will be painless and easy. You'll never need to take another golf lesson again to fix this miserable swing fault.

Golf Grip

Most slicers have a weak golf grip, which encourages your clubface to get to impact WIDE OPEN, and here we go...slice away! A simple correction of strengthening your grip, will make it nearly impossible to get to impact open with your clubface. In fact, you might be hitting a HOOK in a matter of just a couple of swings. Now wouldn't that be pretty cool, if you've been spending all your time off the right side of every fairway?

Golf Swing Takeaway

A slicer of the golf ball usually takes the club away from the body, separating from their core, which is a disconnected golf swing that encourages an "over-the-top" downswing. Try taking the club more straight back, or you might need to feel like you're taking it back to the inside right away.

Golf Impact

Impact is the moment of truth! A slice is caused by either an open clubface at impact, or a clubface that is coming across the ball creating sidespin. Try coming into the ball from the inside and with a slightly shut clubface and you'll quickly learn how to improve a golf slice in a matter of minutes.

Over The Top Downswing

One of the most common causes of a golf slice is the "over-the-top" downswing. This is when your shoulders start your downswing first, and they get out and ahead of the lower body, making it impossible to swing down from the inside, which is needed to fix a slice in golf. 

Four Magic Moves And The Back to the Wall Drill

Four Magic Moves And The Back to the Wall Drill

Here is a drill that will instantly tell you whether you need to learn the Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf.

If you swing the club too far to the inside during your backswing this drill will tell you. Most amatuers yank the club to the inside during the backswing putting the swing immediately off plane. The result is a golf swing that is too flat.

The Back To Wall Drill:
This drill will tell you if you have a overly flat swing. First and foremost, check your ball position and your distance to the ball at address, as this symptom is the most common cause of a shank. Remember guys; try to work on fixing your fundamentals first before using drills to fix your problems. Most swing faults start with poor fundamentals.

Ok, now find a wall that you can set up too. Have your butt approximately six inches away from the wall (Don't do this drill using a nice wall or you may find yourself in the doghouse with your spouse). To take a full swing with the wall in the way your path will need to become more upright. Take slow swings to start, and work on getting to the top and back to the ball without hitting the wall. It should feel different, but all new movements do. Work on swinging slowly until you can make a full swing without making contact with the wall.

Master this drill until you can do it every time without hitting the wall...

Then go out and buy Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf and learn the early backward wrist break.

The early backward wrist break teaches you something pros never do - How to break the wrists during the back swing!